Category Archives: Christianity

The Conversation

The feels. Post of my VG leader!


It’s been exactly one year since November 15, 2012.

Wow. That was so easy to type.

Seriously, Sar, just do it.

Okay. Courage. Inhale. Exhale.

I’ts been exactly one year since my first heartbreak.


I say “legit” not because of all the tears that no amount of tissue would have ever absorbed, or the sudden incapability to devour even the most scrumptious cheesecake set before you by your best friends.

I say “legit” because I lost myself.

The free online dictionary defines “heartbreak” as

“Overwhelming sorrow, grief, or disappointment.”

while the urban dictionary defines it as

“The absolute worst feeling in the entire world.”

Though I agree with both, my definition of heartbreak is: an earthquake + tsunami + volcanic eruption + everything destructive to my identity.

No one prepared me for this. I’ve heard about heartbreak in songs and seen people cry but I never knew how it…

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